Compatible Java versions

What Java version is ORQA compatible with? I am using Windows XP at my company and Oracle doesnt support well Java on XP any longer, but I am soon moving to Windows 7 (bring on the “future”!).

I have only Java 7 installed with XP, but I understand I will only have Java 8 JREs available on Win 7. Will that be a problem for ORQA or any of the enterprise plugins?

I can confirm that ORQA runs fine on Java 8, along with the enterprise plugins.

If you need a distribution with a JRE, please let us know and we can create a specific package for you with it already included. That way there are no prerequisites and it will work out of the box all the time. Thanks

Okay that is great to know as I will not have admin rights to install new Java versions on my pc. Thanks for the fast response!